Monday 7 July 2014

Cardboard castles

After the success of the Houses as the backdrop to the kids school play we were approached by the year six teacher to see if we could knock her up a quick castle for their rendition of the robin hood story, the final school event of the year, and the last thing the year six kids take part in before going off to new schools.

Sue couldn't refuse so with a couple of weeks to get something done I started collecting the cardboard!

Working out how to make it all free standing.

The tops of the turrets

A slightly simplified Nottingham forest.

The finished paint job on the forest

Sue helping to put the last details on the castle. It stands about 7ft tall and is something like 12ft across. Its only loosely bolted together in the picture. 

And for the first time I managed to make something that folded up and went in the back of my car (a VW Polo) So it actually made getting it to school a piece of cake. 

I'm looking forward to hearing what the kids think of it later today. :-)